How To Help Your Pet Recover From Surgery

Surgery, while often necessary to improve your pet's health, can be a stressful experience for both you and your animal companion. The good news is that there are steps you can take to help ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery at home. This article will explore some key practices to help promote healing and a swift return to your pet's normal routine. For more information and pet rehabilitation services, give us a call at Pawsitive Strides Veterinary Rehabilitation and Therapy in Des Moines, IA.

Prioritizing Rest

Following surgery, your pet will need ample rest to facilitate healing. Provide a quiet, comfortable space away from high traffic areas and other pets. A familiar bed with soft bedding is ideal. If your pet uses an elevated bed, temporarily remove it to prevent falls or jumping that could strain the incision site. For the first few days, limit activity to short leash walks or supervised playtime to avoid putting stress on the surgical area.

Maintain Proper Hydration and Nutrition

Dehydration is a potential concern after surgery, so ensure fresh, clean water is readily available. Your veterinarian near you will advise on feeding schedules and appropriate food types. Initially, your pet may have a reduced appetite due to anesthesia or discomfort but it is still important that he eats at some point. If vomiting persists or your pet refuses to eat after 24 hours, contact your veterinarian.

Medication and Wound Care

Veterinarians near you will prescribe pain medication and possibly antibiotics to prevent infection. Administer medications as directed and reach out to them if you have questions or concerns. Many surgical sites will require an Elizabethan collar (cone) to prevent licking or chewing at the incision, which can impede healing and increase the risk of infection. Keep the area clean and dry, and monitor for any signs of redness, swelling, or pus, which could indicate infection.

Veterinary Rehabilitation Therapy

Veterinary rehabilitation therapy can play a role in a pet's recovery from surgery. A personalized rehabilitation plan from a veterinary rehabilitation care provider can help restore strength, flexibility, and range of motion. Rehabilitation therapy can also help address pain management, improve balance and coordination, and minimize the risk of scar tissue formation.

Get Pet Rehabilitation Therapy and Pet Care from Veterinarians Near You

By following your veterinarian's post-surgical instructions, providing a comfortable and stress-free environment, and considering veterinary rehabilitation therapy, you can significantly contribute to your pet's successful recovery. For expert guidance on pet care and rehabilitation services in Des Moines, IA, contact our team at Pawsitive Strides Veterinary Rehabilitation and Therapy today. Our knowledgeable and compassionate team is here to help your pet recover. Call us at (515) 575-9655 for pet rehabilitation therapy and pet care from veterinarians near you.

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